Band search

Please enter either a postcode or an address *

Search Criteria:

  • You can search for properties by entering either a full postcode and/or address.
  • Address must be at least six characters long when the postcode is not entered.
  • Searches using wildcard characters are not allowed. (e.g. % * ? etc.)
  • For best results supply a full postcode or a house name/number and street name.

Possible Reasons a Property Cannot Be Found:

  • Street name / house name has not been spelt correctly.
  • The full postcode is not entered.
  • The property you are searching for may not be within this local authority's area.
  • The property you are searching for may not be a domestic address.

    If you think your home is in the wrong band, do not report it to the Council.

    You can ask the VOA to review your Council Tax band if you think it is wrong and you have been the taxpayer for less than six months, or your band has changed in the last six months. If this does not apply you can still ask the VOA to review your Council Tax band but you’ll need to provide strong supporting evidence showing why you believe your property is in the wrong band. The link that needs to be used is: